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4092 Dupont Parkway, Townsend, DE 19734 / 302-378-8441
Jams, Jellies & Preserves
When it comes to jams, jellies and preserves, Willey Farms has an awesome selection stocked and ready for you along the front wall of the market. You've got to see it to believe it!

McCutcheon's Stonewall Kitchen
Mixed Berry Jam Strawberry Preserves Blueberry Preserves
Cherry Rhubarb Jam Tomato Preserves Red Pepper Jelly
Blackberry Jelly Orange Marmalade Quince Jelly
Grape Jelly Elderberry Jelly Apple Jelly Red Current Jelly
Red Raspberry Preserves Strawberry Cranberry Preserves
Peach Preserves Pineapple Preserves
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