4092 Dupont Parkway, Townsend, DE 19734 / 302-378-8441
Persimmon Pudding
Thank you to Customers Noel Wagner & Jayne Kelly for submitting this recipe
Introduction: This recipe begins with wild, whole, ripe persimmons. The best ones are found on the ground under the tree, orange colored, and on the soft side. When ripe they are sweet tasting. Look for them beginning mid September, no need for a frost.
Only the pulp is used from the persimmons. To do this, use a food mill, sieve or cone strainer, or a colander. Dump in the persimmons, mash them until the pulp drains out, leaving the seeds and skins to be tossed away. Take your time, get all the pulp. It’s best to have the pulp available ahead of time. Know that you have enough. Fresh is best but the pulp can be frozen and used before the next season rolls around.
Our experience is with using a colander, using a rubber gloved hand (fist) to continually rub the persimmons around the colander until the pulp pushes through and is caught in a container. Golden!
1 ½ cups persimmon pulp
¼ cup butter= ½ stick, melted
½ tsp salt
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 ¼ cup flour
½ tsp baking soda
½ cup sour milk (stir in ½ tsp vinegar to ½ cup whole or skim milk)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
Dissolve baking soda in sour milk
Mix all ingredients together (dry ingredients first) in a large mixing bowl
Mix until smooth and even
Pour into an 8 ½ X 8 ½ baking pan, greased and floured
Bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hour (middle rack)
Test for doneness with a toothpick (should come out ‘still moist but fairly clean’ when stuck into the center of the pudding)
Enjoy the way you like best, warm or cold, topped or not.